Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Beer Ect

What are the best beers and largers like to drink..As i work work in a brewery my self (CoorsU/K) was just wondering as to the taste are they around the 4% mark or a bit higher in gravety,And what should i be asking for ..Cheers.Chris

Beer Ect

Oh yes, beer. Most Thai beers tend to be fairly high in alcohol. I personally have met very few beers that I did not like. Heineken is very popular, and Tiger is gaining in the Thai market. Kloster is probably my old standby. Kloster seemed to have had some consistency problems a few years ago, but it seems to be making a comeback. Chiang is a quickly growing Thai brand. Chiang tends to be pretty strong, but I like it. You may want to pace yourself until you get a feel for the large Chiang beers, they come in large bottles and I think they run around 7% alcohol. Heineken and Kloster I think run closer to 5%.

Beer Ect

Maybe you should include a trip to Vientiane (Laos) to visit the local brewery of the best beer in the region : Beerlao

Sadly you can%26#39;t find this beer in Thailand.

Thank you both for the above post will check them out....I am use to drinking high gravety beers so no problem on that score...All our beers are high in gravety post filter dielution(That is)Befor we add the(deairreated water)9% down to 4.2%.....

Where is this brewery to be found is it far away from C.M...And do they do do toures around this brewery do you know..chris

Beer for me is a big problem in this part of the world. It%26#39;s all nuclear strength lagers. Singha used to do a %26#39;Singha Gold%26#39; which had a more reasonable circa 4% alc content. Actually imho all lagers are pretty terrible to drink - all pasteurised/pumped full of gas. The only place you can get proper beer is good old England.

I%26#39;m don%26#39;t know i might later giving you information about beer, I%26#39;m working in internationa cleaning in brwery industri, I think you know my company. what do you want to know about it?

...Beer problem now sorted out thank you for asking ...Chris

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