Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Buy Chanel in Thailand?

Can you buy genuine European cosmetics such as Chanel at lower prices in Thailand than in the U.S.? What about ';real'; designer bags? Are they available at lower prices than in the U.S.? Where? Living in NY, have had my fill of fakes!!

Buy Chanel in Thailand?

It would be unusual to find genuine luxury products, such as cosmetics, cheaper in Thailand than in the USA. My understanding is that Thailand has fairly stiff import duties on many luxury products. When we travel to thailand, my wife frequently brings cosmetics and perfume bought in the USA as gifts for friends and family.

Buy Chanel in Thailand?

Hi I bought some cosmetics and they were cheaper than in Holland. But not cheaper than in the states. In Thailand all the designer goods are more expensive than in the states. So buy it in N.Y. much cheaper. Micky

Lower prices for nearly all cosmetics outside of Thailand, so I would buy in the States (but do check out Watsons, sometimes have special offers on certain European products)

I am not sure how much yo pay in the US but i use chanel and the price difference between Hong Kong and Bangkok was huge but now it is almost the same(hong kong still a bit cheaper)

I pay Baht 1040 for a lipstick (about 28US$)

And the new cream is 11000 baht

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